Wheat Varieties
2024 Drilling Season
Varieties in BLUE are CSO (Certified Seed Only or Single Season Use Only)
* DOUBLESTOP CL Plus is a two-gene Clearfield® variety that allows for better control of feral rye and jointed goat grass.
This system is not to be confused with the CoAXium® wheat system. Please read these labels carefully. Misapplication of
the incorrect herbicide can cause severe crop damage or loss.
** LCS Atomic AX and AP18 AX are CoAXium® varieties, which allow for direct application of Aggressor® brand
herbicide, a better system for control of Bromus species, feral rye, jointed goat grass, wild oats and other volunteer
cereals. Aggressor herbicide cannot be applied to Clearfield® varieties
CORN COUNTRY BLEND: Good choice following corn
FIVE-STAR BLEND: Good choice following soybeans or corn
MAVERICK BLEND: Good choice following soybeans
NOTE: The blends are made up of 3 varietal components and each of those comprises 1/3 of the blend. The ratings for the component varieties are listed in the following pages. You’ll note the blend components compliment each other to provide some additional protection against environmental conditions.